Annie Rogaski

COO, Avegant

As a startup executive, currently Chief Operating Officer at Avegant, I believe that a diversity of experiences and talents, combined with the shared desire to create something extraordinary, naturally garners success. Through co-founding a law firm and a women’s leadership non-profit, and creating and producing two podcasts, I’ve worn many hats. Trained in chemistry and law, my entrepreneurial adventures permitted me to also dive into operations, finance, sales, and marketing. I leverage this unique cross-functionality to build and inspire teams to manifest important change, unified behind a vision. I thrive in early-stage, fast-paced, technology-focused environments where teamwork is critical to success and look for opportunities to build on or create "team joy" as a core cultural value. At Avegant, our amazing team is developing display technology to enable previously impossible consumer augmented reality experiences.

In my spare time, I engage men and women in conversations to explore how we can reduce gender bias. I share these conversations on my podcast, Unraveling Pink, that launched in 2017 (available on a variety of podcast discovery platforms and

Specialties: Intellectual Property, Licensing, Negotiation, Entrepreneurship, Women's Leadership, Non-Profits.

Affiliations and Organizations