Current Members

Ambra Wellbeloved

Chief Operating Officer Managed Services, Aprio LLC.

Lisa Van Dusen

Chief Relationship Officer, SV2 - Silicon Valley Social Venture Fund

Stephanie O. Sparks

Chair, IP & Data Privacy, Hoge Fenton

Christina Richards

VP of Global Marketing, Aeris Communications

Shannon Nash

Chief Financial Officer, Wing (an Alphabet Company)

Maria Fernandez Guajardo

Senior Director of Product Management, Google

Marion Groh Marquardt

CEO, Web Croissants

Nanci Hibschman

Principal & National Practice Director for the Not-for-Profit Sector, Sullivan, Cotter & Associates, LLC

Shani Higgins

Advisor, Executive Consultant and Coach, AdviseHERy

Colleen Blake

Chief People Officer, Dremio